Monitoreo de energía con Arduino PLC
Mejorando la eficiencia de sus edificios e instalaciones
Flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a las necesidades del cliente.
Mejorando la eficiencia de sus edificios e instalaciones
La tipología de cada edificio precisa de una configuración a medida para poder hacer frente a los retos que supone la optimización de consumos. Para la gestión de esos recursos es necesario una aproximación a fondo, y un especialista que entienda las oportunidades que se presentan en cuanto a la mejora de sus instalaciones; la monitorización para la toma de decisiones, y los informes regulares para poder evaluar el estado de los consumos.
Mediante los equipos de Industrial Shields planteamos soluciones tanto en el ámbito del control de instalaciones como de la monitorización mediante todo tipo de sensores.
A partir de un objetivo claro de ahorro energético, una buena definición de parámetros clave y una buena selección de los valores a implementar en el edificio o instalación.

Flexibilidad, adaptabilidad, compatibilidad, interactividad
Ready for the new generation of industrial machines
Industrial Shields vision try to help companies to design and to build high technology machineries at the lower price as possible avoiding all software license what also eliminate the cost for that software platform and eliminate the problem of version of that software. It means that a machine manufacturer today with Industrial Shields Hardware can be reprogram in the future their machines avoiding version of license. It will be also possible to adapt that machines at new requirements because of the full compatibility on Industrial protocols and communication ports. Industrial Shields promote flexibility, adaptabaility, compatibility, interactivity and other values that machine manufacturers need because we have been also manufacturers and our production plants need also that values.
Our production plant is in a constant evolution according at our customer needs, lead time and costs to offer the best Industrial product based on Open Source Technologies. Our I+D team is also working for the future to improve our automation solution getting a full compatibility with other brands and Industrial devices.
With Industrial Shields devices you can control all type of elements, (motors, valves, actuators, etc) connecting different type of sensors. Our devices can run individually or connected each other or with other brands devices what means that it is also possible to connect each other to amplify the number of signals using standard connections via RS485, RS232, or Ethernet using standard protocols as Modbus (RTU, TCP) or any other protocol using just a library. It is not necessary to include gateways between Industrial Shields devices and other brand automation devices. Choose Industrial Shields automation products is the best choice to automate your machine ready for the new generation of Industry machines.