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How do digital outputs use? I don't understand circuit.

Suzuki Takuro


I have an M-Duino 21+.

I want to output 5V from digital pin.

If 5V is input to Q/Vdc, will the signal be output from the digital pin?

1 Respuesta
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Best Answer

Dear Suzuki, 

The digital outputs of your M-Duino 21+ (From Q0.0 to Q0.7) are opto-isolated outputs.

Therefore what you tell me is completely correct, the voltage you inject into the QVdc pin will be the voltage on which all outputs work. In this way, the general voltage of the equipment is isolated from the voltage to which the inputs work. (Can work from 5Vdc to 24Vdc).


1 Comentario

How much current can the digital outputs allow? If I provide 10V to QVDC and use it to drive a resistor to ground, how much current am I allowed to source through that resistor? Is it dependent on the voltage I provide to QVDC?